Less-invasive Lip Lift
What is a micro- invasive lip lift and why is it done?
A less- invasive surgical lip lift is still a small plastic surgical procedure that modifies the cosmetic appearance of the lips by re-shaping them to increase the prominence of the vermilion(red part of lip) border, to reduce the distance between nostril and upper lip border, and to enhance the facial area above the lips to be more aesthetically pleasing.
How is a less-invasive lip lift performed?
Not like traditional major plastic surgery lip lifts, the less-invasive lip lift is a technical variant sub- nasal lip lift (bull- horn lip lift), which removes a small piece of tissue from underneath of the nose. or uses threads to stitch the nasal area to top lip, the skin then is raised to lift the lip and expose more of the upper-lip vermilion. The technique is dependent upon indications of the patient.
What happens in the postoperative period?
Immediate results can be seen after the procedure. Your lip may seem “over lifted” at first. you will have bruising, swelling and discomfort pain after the procedure but the lip will settle its natural position with healing and time. If you have stitches, they will need to be removed in 5-7 days. You can normally return to your regular activities one week after the surgery.
Are there any risks associated with this procedure?
Cosmetic surgical procedure is a formal risky surgical operation
It is Not a “simple beauty treatment”
Like any other procedures, even though less invasive lip lift, it is still has risks and complications:
Common risks and complications:
Bruising, swelling, visible scaring, pain, treatment area hard/firm/lumpy/numbness/tightness, infection.
Rare risks and complications:
Distortion, smile deformation, asymmetry, muscle, nerve injury.
Anaesthetic anaphylaxis reaction: rashes, difficulty breathing, cardia arrest.