Our skin is the largest organ in the body—it makes up nearly 1/7th of our total body weight!

Despite that, however, it’s fairly delicate. For example, it can easily get burnt in the sun. Other common disorders include acne, rosacea, and contact dermatitis.

Sagging skin can be a problem as well. While there’s no cure per se, there are skin tightening options that can improve your appearance.

Want to learn more about how that works? If so, you’re on the right page. We’ll be going over that in detail below so be sure to read the rest of the post!

What Causes Sagging Skin? 

Saggy skin is often due to a loss of collagen and elastin—fibers that give the skin its firmness. That’s one of the reasons why it’s often associated with aging.

That’s not the only cause, however. Loss of fat can also result in loose skin. In fact, it’s one of the most common side effects of weight loss.

Certain conditions can result in saggy skin as well, such as cutaneous T-cell lymphoma—a type of cancer that begins in white blood cells.

Common Areas For Loose Skin 

Saggy skin can occur almost anywhere on the body. With that said, it generally affects the eyelids, chin, upper arms, and stomach areas.

In other words, it can easily affect our look. If anything, that’s why most people choose to seek treatment.

Ways to Reducing Minor Sagging

There are certain things that you can do to reduce minor sagging. For example, studies have shown that facial exercises can help reduce saggy skin around the throat, jowls, and chin.

Topical treatments, especially those that contain retinol, can improve skin elasticity as well. There are also supplements that you can take such as hyaluronic acid.

What Is Ultrasound Skin Tightening?

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a relatively new procedure that can be used to treat loose skin. Minimally invasive, it’s often used for those with moderate sagging. 

How does it work? Put it simply, it uses ultrasound energy to encourage collagen production.

Once the ultrasound energy hits the skin, the cells will heat up rapidly—this leads to cellular damage. Ultimately, it’s this damage that stimulates the tissues to produce more collagen.

In doing so, your skin will be able to replenish its collagen supply, which will give it a firmer, healthier look.

Who Can Get It? 

Ultrasound skin tightening is not for everyone. For one thing, it’s often reserved for those who are older than 30.

It’s also not recommended for those with open lesions, infections, or severe acne in the treatment area. The same thing goes for those with severe laxity. In cases like that, surgery may be a better option.

Benefits Of Ultrasound Treatment 

Ultrasound therapy has many benefits. Not only will it tighten sagging skin, but it’ll also reduce wrinkles, and improve skin texture.

In addition to that, it can lift the cheeks and eyebrows. On top of that, it can give you a more defined jawline.

In one study, 66 percent of those who received treatment perceived a significant improvement in the appearance of their face and neck.

How Does It Compare To A Surgical Facelift? 

Ultrasound facelifts have much fewer risks. After all, the procedure is minimally invasive—that is, there are no incisions involved.

In contrast, surgical facelifts require incisions and sutures. As a result, there’s a higher risk of bleeding and infection. Some people may also experience complications associated with anesthesia.

It’s also not as effective. According to one survey, 97.8 percent were not satisfied with their results after one year.

Is The Procedure Painful?

Most people will experience slight discomfort during the session. Some people describe it as a light prickly sensation or tiny electric pulses.

If you’re sensitive to pain, you can always take a painkiller before the treatment. There might be mild swelling or redness afterward but it’ll quickly go away in a few hours.

In fact, you’re free to resume your normal activities immediately afterward.

What To Expect At Your Appointment 

The first thing that they’ll do is clean the target area. From there, they might apply a topical anesthetic to help numb the pain.

Afterward, the physician will apply an ultrasound gel. They will then place the HIFU device against your skin. Using an ultrasound viewer, they’ll adjust it to the right setting.

It varies case by case but treatment usually lasts anywhere between 30 to 90 minutes.

How Long Does It Take To See Results?

Most people will see results in two to three months. After all, it takes time for the body to generate more collagen.

Keep in mind, however, that you’ll likely need more than one session. At the end of the day, it depends on the degree of skin laxity and how your skin responds to the ultrasound.

How Much Does Ultrasound Skin Tightening Cost?

The cost of ultrasound therapy depends on your location. Having said that, it will be cheaper than getting a surgical facelift.

The best way to find out the exact price is to contact a local cosmetic clinic. Keep in mind, however, that the procedure likely won’t be covered by your health insurance.

Improving Your Skin’s Appearance 

Hopefully, that gives you a better idea as to how ultrasound skin tightening works. If anything, it’s a much better option than going under the knife!

Looking for a cosmetic doctor in the Sydney area? Feel free to contact us to set up an appointment!