Blepharoplasty (or eyelid surgery) is typically a straightforward surgery designed to remove imperfections around your eye. But just because it’s a simple procedure doesn’t mean you can relax entirely. It’s incredibly important to take the necessary steps before and after surgery to ensure a smooth, side-effect free procedure.

In this article, we go over how you can prepare in the days before the surgery as well as give you some post-surgery tips to promote a quick, healthy recovery. So continue reading to find the best blepharoplasty before and after care tips!

What is Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery, also known as Blepharoplasty, is a common cosmetic surgery done to correct cosmetic eye concerns. These include:

  • Droopy eyelid
  • Heavy eyelids
  • Baggy eyes
  • Saggy eyelids
  • Puffy eye treatment

Blepharoplasty is also performed to remove excess skin and double eye lid. Overall, eyelid surgery can significantly improve the appearance of your eyes and give you a youthful and more relaxed look.

Almost anyone can get blepharoplasty – given that they are relatively healthy and are free from any serious eye conditions such as glaucoma. What’s important is to do these following eyelid surgery before and after tips for quick recovery!

How to Prepare Yourself for Eyelid Surgery

To ensure a smooth surgery, it’s strongly recommended that you prepare yourself days prior to the procedure. These tips will help you do so:

Get a Good Night’s Rest

Getting tired, sleepy eyes right before eyelid surgery sounds counter-productive doesn’t it? Getting a good night’s rest prepares your eyes and eyelids for the surgery the following day. We don’t just recommend this solely for the night before. Consecutive nights of quality sleep can go a long way.

Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco

If there’s ever a time to quit smoking or stop drinking, getting surgery is one of them. Drinking alcohol before going under the knife can seriously inhibit your body’s ability to recover afterwards. It can also increase the chance of post-surgery complications. Smoking has the same effect. By compromising your bodies’ immune system you’re making yourself vulnerable to more complications. So our suggestion? Put down the cigarette or stop drinking a week before your surgery to encourage a smooth procedure.

Avoid Excessive Exercise

Exercise is very beneficial for you, but in this case it isn’t. This is because excessive exercise, movement or lifting can increase the blood flow to your face and eyes – making it harder for your surgeon to perform on you. Take the time before surgery to relax instead!

Make Sure You Have Painkillers on Hand

Ensuring you have an ample supply of painkillers or other similar medications on hand will make life easier for you post-surgery. You will most likely be very tired and sluggish after your surgery. Having painkillers on hand and in an accessible location (such as your nightstand) will save you from rummaging through cabinets to get them.

Lean on a Friend

This tip is often forgotten but it’s so important! Due to the nature of your surgery, you will need someone to take you to and from the hospital. Your eyelids will just have been operated on so you will not be able to drive. It is also a good idea for an adult to stay with you for the first 24 hours after your surgery (in case you need a hand in your post-surgery state).

Aftercare Tips to Ensure a Good Recovery

Make sure you recover well after your blepharoplasty with these useful aftercare tips.

Sleep with your head inclined

To do this, sleep on a recliner or use at least two pillows to prop your head up. This should be done for the first 48 hours after surgery. The reason for doing this is to promote blood flow and prevent blood from pooling up in your eyelids which cause swelling.

Apply Cold Compresses

Swelling around your eyes and down your cheeks are common post-surgery. Gently placing cold compresses or ice packs on your eyelids will reduce swelling and prevent bleeding, and make you feel more comfortable.

Embrace Your Inner Couch Potato

Heavy movement or exercise is strongly discouraged. Doing so can cause your eyelids to excessively bleed which can have permanent effects on your vision. Instead, it’s recommended to embrace your inner couch potato and relax for the first 48 hours after surgery. This means spending your time with little movement or physical activity. Post-surgery is a good time to catch up on your favourite Netflix shows!

Keep Your Sunnies On

After your eyelid surgery you will be given sunglasses to wear. Your eyes will be very sensitive during this time and the sunglasses will prevent light, wind and other sensitivities from affecting you. It is strongly recommended you keep your sunglasses on during the entire healing process.

Eat Well

To give your body the energy it needs to accelerate the healing process, eat healthy, high protein meals. You should also try not to miss a meal – it will help you feel better and stronger. Water should not also be neglected. Stay hydrated to prevent nausea and vomiting.

Give Yourself the Best Chance at a Smooth Surgery

Blepharoplasty is a safe, straightforward procedure that your cosmetic surgeon will perform with confidence. But you also need to take the necessary steps to give yourself the best chance at a smooth procedure and post-surgery recovery!

So if you’re thinking of undergoing eyelid surgery or an eyelid lift, make sure you consider these blepharoplasty before and after tips. You’ll have youthful looking eyes without the high risk of complications or problems.
Looking for more information about what goes into eyelid surgery? Click here to find out more. And if you’re looking for more articles about cosmetic surgery, click here to check out the Northern Beaches Cosmetics blog!