Heard of this amazing new cosmetic treatment for improving skin around your neck and wondering what it is? Neck thread lifts are a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that has recently become popular for reversing the signs of ageing and addressing sagging skin in the neck area. But understanding the procedure and how it can help can be confusing with how much information is out there. So in this article, we give you an explanation of what it is, how it works, and how it can do wonders for your skin!

What is a Neck Thread Lift?

The procedure of neck thread lifting is a minimally invasive technique that involves using threads or sutures. These are dissolvable and positioned underneath the skin, providing support and lifting in sagging areas. The end result is a lifting and tightening effect, without the need for dermal fillers or more invasive surgical procedures.

In addition to the support that the threads give, the procedure also stimulates collagen production. This provides an extra boost for the skin, with a smoothing and plumping effect. Combined, neck thread lifts give candidates a more rejuvenated and youthful appearance. And all of these benefits are had with natural looking results, unlike the obvious and drastic appearance associated with plastic surgery.

This type of procedure is also suitable for the face, as a type of minimally invasive face lift. Thread lifts for the face are a great alternative to traditional facelifts performed by a plastic surgeon. Recovery times are also much faster, and resulting again in more natural looks.

Am I a Good Candidate For a Thread Lift in My Neck?

Now that we know what a neck thread lift is, let’s explain who benefits from getting them. People that get the best results have mild or moderate skin sag in the neck. This loose skin is otherwise known as turkey neck, because of the resemblance to that of a turkey’s. People in their 30s to 60s with sagging necks are great candidates.  

This is also a great procedure for people looking to get a full face lift but do not want or can’t go under the general anaesthesia required. This procedure only needs local anaesthetic, which has low risks compared to it. This also means the typical side effects of general anaesthesia, such as nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and sore throat are avoided.

What Happens During The Procedure

Consultation and Assessment

Before undergoing any type of procedure, a consultation is needed with a qualified professional. During this initial consultation, your doctor will discuss with you the needs and goals for the neck thread lift procedure. This includes the expectations for the results possible for you as an individual, the potential risks, the procedure steps and the recovery phase. They will also answer any questions or concerns you may have before starting the process, including the overall cost for the neck thread lift.

The Preparation

During the assessment stage, your doctor will let you know of any instructions specific to your needs. This will typically include temporarily avoiding certain medications or other supplements that can increase complication risks. For those taking vital medications that need to be stopped for this procedure, consult with your doctor or specialist first. 

Starting The Procedure

At the start of the neck thread lift procedure, your doctor applies local anaesthesia to the neck area that will be operated on. Depending on your body and your doctor, this will either be through a numbing cream or numbing injections. You can also let your doctor know which one you would prefer, and they will discuss the possibility using either option. After the neck is numbed, the doctor will proceed to the sterilisation of the neck area.

Thread Insertion and Placement

With preparations complete, your doctor will proceed to mark out where the threads will be inserted in the neck. They then use a needle or cannula to insert the neck threads through the skin. The placement of these threads provide proper support and lift for the skin.   

With the threads inserted into the neck skin, the doctor then gently adjusts the threads and the tension between them. This achieves the correct amount of contour and lift for your desired look without excess tension that could cause discomfort. They also pay careful attention to achieving symmetry on both sides, giving you a balanced and natural look.  

Completion of the Procedure

With the threads inserted successfully into the neck, the neck thread lift is finished with a closure of the insertion points. Depending on the size of the insertion points, the closure method will be different. They can be stitched up, closed with surgical tape, or left alone if small enough whilst being covered with simple bandages.

Post-Treatment Care and Recovery

After a neck thread lift is complete, the recovery process is simple and straightforward. Mild side effects are to be expected, with swelling, bruises and general discomfort all being common. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to manage your side effects and recovery that are specific to you.

It is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise or activities for a few days. This allows you to recover and avoid thread insertion points from opening back up. 

Your doctor may also schedule a follow up appointment to see how your recovery is going. This appointment can also involve addressing any questions or concerns you may have. Be sure to ask about any unexpected side effects you experience in the treated area.

Results from this procedure are immediate and continue to improve over the next 12 months. This is due to the continuous production of new collagen in the neck as a natural healing response from your body. A return back to all your normal activities, including taking your medication, is possible after a few days with full recovery. 

Get Your Neck Thread Lift

The procedure of neck thread lifts is a great way for anyone to address mild to moderate skin sagging in the neck. Its minimally invasive nature, candidacy requirements, simple procedure, and easy post treatment care all make it a great alternative to surgical facelifts. And if you’re looking to get a professional neck thread lift, look no further than Northern Beaches Cosmetic Surgery. Get treatment with doctors with years of experience in neck thread lifts and book an appointment today!