Microdermabrasion has been a popular facial procedure ever since 1985 when it was first introduced.

Microdermabrasion can treat many skincare concerns. It’s a safer alternative to other facial procedures such as chemical peels. This facial also shows positive results and is a favourite amongst clients.

Are you curious about microdermabrasion? This facial method offers many benefits and is suitable for just about all skin types.

But it’s important to know how microdermabrasion works and how it will help you. Here’s everything you should know about microdermabrasion treatment.

Understanding Microdermabrasion Treatment

Microdermabrasion uses a powerful but gentle exfoliating technique. Tiny crystals and a vacuum suction remove the superficial layer of dead skin cells. The crystals are usually sodium chloride, aluminium oxide, or sodium bicarbonate.

The crystals will rub against your skin, releasing the top layer of skin cells. The vacuum then sucks up the dead skin cells as well as the crystals.

The vacuum has additional functions:

  • Brings skin impurities to the surface
  • Raises the skin, making it easier for the technician to work with
  • Places the crystals on the skin

You can also opt for a diamond microdermabrasion. This facial uses a diamond-tipped wand to remove the top dead layer of skin cells. The cells are suctioned off of your face by using a vacuum suction.

The technician will apply microdermabrasion to the whole face but will specifically work on any problem areas you have.

Other treatment methods are applied to a microdermabrasion facial. The technician will moisturize the skin following microdermabrasion. Other treatments can be applied to specific problems.

When you remove the top layer of skin cells, your body responds by immediately forming new skin cells. This results in healthy, glowing skin. Increased cell production also results in improved skin texture and elasticity.

In addition, microdermabrasion stimulates blood flow. Increased blood flow means more nutrients are delivered to your skin cells and are delivered faster.

The procedure is quick and non-invasive. Most sessions last only 30 minutes.

Is It Effective?

Many studies prove microdermabrasion is an effective option for many skincare concerns

But the results you experience depend on how often you receive microdermabrasion procedures. Your results also depend on the severity of your skin concerns.

Most dermatologists recommend several microdermabrasion treatments to notice results. You should receive a microdermabrasion treatment once every four-to-six weeks. For problematic skin, get treatments every two weeks.

Your age also depends on your results. For example, microdermabrasion is a better option when preventing ageing symptoms or treating the first signs of ageing.


Microdermabrasion is considered safe and is a safe alternative to other facial and skincare procedures.

Microdermabrasion is also pain-free. However, it can feel a little uncomfortable if you’re not used to exfoliation. It’s normal for the crystals and the suction to feel a little rough.

Your skin will also be red and a little tender after the procedure. This should last about 24 hours.

Following microdermabrasion, your skin is more vulnerable to the sun. Wearing sunscreen is a must. You should also avoid the sun as much as you can for a few weeks.

For best results, always get your microdermabrasion done by a professional. While there are DIY microdermabrasion products available, you can only guarantee safety and effectiveness in the hands of a professional.

Microdermabrasion is suitable for most clients. But you should talk to your doctor if you have eczema, rosacea, lupus, herpes, psoriasis, any open sores, and fragile capillaries. You should avoid microdermabrasion if you have an active sunburn.

While microdermabrasion can treat acne, it’s best to talk to a dermatologist first if you have widespread acne. You risk irritating the skin and causing more breakouts.

What Can Microdermabrasion Treat?

Microdermabrasion helps treat many skin concerns. Here are a few that can benefit from microdermabrasion.

Uneven Skin Tone

Uneven skin tone, also known as hyperpigmentation, is irregular pigmentation or darkening of the skin.

This can result in the overproduction of melanin or too much UV exposure. You can identify uneven skin tone by identifying excessive redness or brown/dark spots.

Microdermabrasion can even out your skin tone, reducing redness and dark spots. Most hyperpigmentation only affects the skin on the surface level. By removing the top skin level, your skin will look brighter and even-toned.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Microdermabrasion is a great treatment for reducing the appearance of fine lines and shallow wrinkles. The intense exfoliation will help decrease the look of these fine lines and can help prevent ageing symptoms.

Keep in mind, if your wrinkles are deep, you’ll benefit from dermabrasion over microdermabrasion.


Many professionals have specific microdermabrasion services specifically for clients with acne. These services include salicylic acid treatments to cleanse pores and using extractions to remove existing pimples.

This helps treat acne on both a surface and deep-pore level, resulting in clear skin.

In addition, microdermabrasion can reduce acne scars. The exfoliating process reduces the scarring lines and indentations, similar to how microdermabrasion works to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Get a Microdermabrasion Treatment in Sydney

Microdermabrasion treatment is effective, safe, offers many benefits, and is suitable for most skin types. Microdermabrasion can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, clear acne, and treat uneven skin tone.

The technician will also moisturize your skin following the procedure and may apply other treatments, depending on the severity of your skin.

Microdermabrasion is also painless; however, some find the exfoliation and suction uncomfortable. It’s normal for your skin to be red and feel tender up to 24 hours after the procedure. Avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen.

Are you based in Sydney? We offer microdermabrasion. Contact us and schedule your appointment.