Are you a guy who’s concerned about the size of their chest area? You may have stumbled upon gynecomastia and chest fat which can both be referred to as man boobs. Although they look similar to the untrained eye, they are both very different things. So in this article, we give you all the facts surrounding chest fat vs gynaecomastia so you can tell what the differences are.
What Are They?
Chest Fat

Poor diet and lifestyle can increase fat in the breasts of men
The first point in this battle to understand chest fat vs gynaecomastia is that everyone carries fat cells all throughout their bodies. But at times, men can have a higher amount of fat in their chest, which makes it look like they have ‘man boobs’. This excess chest fat covering the pectoral muscles is also called pseudogynecomastia. Some people have genetics which cause them to have more fat cells in their chest area.
Chest fat will make male breasts sag or droop down, and will not have a defined shape. With it, the whole pectoral area is soft to the touch. The general fat distribution in both breasts is also even. And although this extra fat does not create any health problems, it can make men feel uncomfortable and insecure about their body image.

Low body fat makes gynecomastia more visible and obvious
Gynaecomastia, also spelt gynecomastia, is actually a common condition where a significant amount of breast gland tissue grows in men. Hormonal imbalances in testosterone and estrogen levels cause this condition, mostly during newborn, teenage or older years. Most young people with gynaecomastia have it disappear or reduced significantly once they reach adulthood.
Unlike female breast tissue, gynaecomastia does not have lobules, which are ducts that carry milk. Instead, this condition simply means that existing breast tissue in men is significantly enlarged.
A telltale sign of gynaecomastia is the occasional pain that some men get in their breasts. This can also be associated with swelling and tenderness of the breast area, along with abnormal nipple sensitivity. It is important to see a doctor if pain, swelling or discharge occurs from the nipples.
Causes for the hormonal imbalances that create gynaecomastia include:
- Natural hormone changes with age
- Medications
- Alcohol and drug use
- Certain medical conditions
- Malnutrition and starvation
- Obesity
A growing reason for why gynaecomastia occurs is the rise of PED/steroid use, especially with teenagers. Substances that change hormone levels can be used to help with muscle building or athletic performance. In some people, the body reacts negatively and can result in the formation of male breast tissue.
The 5 Key Differences With Chest Fat Vs Gynaecomastia

There are 5 big differences between chest fat vs gynaecomastia
- Gynaecomastia is glandular tissue that is firm and lumpy to the touch, whereas chest fat is soft.
- Gynaecomatia has a round shape, and is often concentrated near the nipple and areola area. Chest fat will make the whole breast sag and droop down.
- Gynaecomastia can cause pain, swelling and discharge from the breasts.
- Chest fat poses no health risks. In contrast, gynaecomastia can increase the risk of breast cancer.
- Gynaecomastia is more noticeable in people with lower body fat as the fat does not hide the shape of the breast tissue. Muscle striations can be visible with the gynaecomastia lump around the nipple in very lean men.
How To Get Rid of Them
Chest Fat

A healthy diet and exercise is effective at reducing and eliminating chest fat
First, try a lifestyle change to eliminate your chest fat. Diet and exercise will get rid of and prevent chest fat from building back up. Not only will this give you a flatter chest, but your overall health will also improve. You can speak with a dietician, nutritionist or personal trainer to help you achieve the results you need.
However, a diet and exercise program aiming to build muscle is unlikely to get rid of all your chest fat. This is because the body needs to be in what’s called a caloric surplus in order to gain muscle. And although fat loss and muscle gain is possible at the same time, it needs your diet and training to be almost perfect, which is unrealistic for most people. Results from diet and exercise can also vary in each person, with some people retaining chest fat more than others.
If you have tried to lose weight and have not seen enough results, try cosmetic surgery. Male breast reduction surgery is another option to reduce chest fat. This liposuction method can remove excess chest fat, which is especially useful for people who have tried other methods like diet and exercise without success.
With liposuction, a small incision is made into the fatty area of the chest and a suction tube is inserted. From there, the tube will cut and extract fat cells from your chest area. With this method, people with a genetic predisposition to having high amounts of fat in the chest will find great results that otherwise are not possible with only diet and exercise.

Surgery will remove all of the excess glandular tissue from your breasts
Diet and exercise often has little impact on reducing the size and appearance of gynaecomastia. In fact, losing body fat will expose the excess breast tissue even more than before. In most cases, the excess gland tissue is located directly behind the nipple, making it more obvious with a leaner chest. Instead, this medical condition will require other methods of treatment.
Because gynaecomastia can result from various drugs or alcohol, stopping consumption of these are the first step to reducing it. This includes medications used for other medical conditions that you have, so speak with your doctor about taking alternatives.
Your doctor can also prescribe you with medications or treatments that reduce the size of the breast tissue. This is most useful for people suffering from conditions that create hormone imbalances. The treatments could include hormone replacement therapy, where male and female hormone levels of testosterone and estrogen are returned to normal ranges. This will however not work for everyone in reducing or eliminating their gynaecomastia.
Gynecomastia surgery is a great option for quick removal of the excess glandular tissue in the chest. A surgeon will first need to inspect and rule out the possibility of male breast cancer first before performing the surgery for your safety. The procedure itself is similar to chest fat liposuction, but in this case will remove gland tissue and some excess fat. People suffering from gynaecomastia get immediate results and will keep the results as long as their hormones stay balanced.
Get Rid of Those Man Boobs!

Speaking about surgery is a great for people who have tried other solutions without success
Now that you know everything important about chest fat vs gynaecomastia, it’s time for you to find out which one you have. If you’ve tried checking yourself and you’re still unsure, speak with a professional today. At Northern Beaches Cosmetic Surgery, you can book a consultation and receive surgical treatment options for either one of them.