So, you’re looking in the mirror, and you’re confused. “Can you get rid of a double chin? “How do I do it?” you say, sick and tired of how it makes you feel. Taking that first step is always hard, but we at Northern Beaches Cosmetic have everything you need to know to find the right solution.

Unsightly and unwelcome, but how can you make it go away?

What is a double chin?

A double chin, or submental fat, is a large pocket of excess fat underneath the chin. This can give the appearance of a person having a second chin below their actual one. 


Weight Gain

Bad eating habits can lead to weight gain, giving you a double chin

Higher body fat from weight gain is the most common reason for the average person to get a double chin. Diets that are high fat and high calorie will lead to more fat storage in the body, which can then create a double chin. And as we age, our bodies also put on fat at a faster rate.


Having a double chin may be down to your genetics, and some people will have more fat cells in their chin. If a large number of your family members have double chins or develop them later in life, it’s likely that you will also have one at some point.

Well, can you get rid of a double chin?

Weight Loss

The simplest way to get rid of a double chin is to lose weight. Bringing your daily calorie intake into a deficit by going on a diet with healthier, lower-calorie food will burn body fat and remove chin fat in the process. We also recommend pairing a diet and exercise. Talking to a doctor, dietician or personal trainer will help you to plan and direct this weight loss journey. 


Chin micro-liposuction is a simple and effective way to remove a double chin

If you’re having trouble with losing the fat in your chin area, another solution will be micro-liposuction. This surgical procedure involves a small metal tube being inserted through a small cut in a hidden area of your chin. Chin fat is then shaved and sucked out by the tube. This approach is especially helpful for people who have a double chin as a result of their genetics, rather than excess weight.

Jaw Exercises and Tools

There are plenty of jaw muscle exercises and tools that people have come up with to get rid of their double chins, with little research or evidence to show that they work at all. That’s why we urge you not to take this route. 

To go with these, creams have been created that also claim to be an easy quick fix that need no effort to get results. Again, we would stay far away from this approach.

Start losing the double chin today!

Now that you know everything surrounding the question of “can you get rid of a double chin?”, it’s time to start taking action. Diet and exercise can be very hard to stick to, particularly for people short on time. We recommend micro-liposuction at Northern Beaches Cosmetic as the best simple solution to a problem that could otherwise take months to solve. Contact us today and book your consultation!