Breast augmentation is more than just cosmetic surgery. It’s an option for many women throughout the world who would like help in issues of confidence and self-esteem.

Those feelings can stem from medical issues or just a preference to correct perceived imperfections that make them feel self-conscious. While at one time there may have been a stigma surrounding the surgery, it has become more accepted and embraced over the last two decades.

In fact, the number of women opting for breast augmentation has tripled since 1997. In this article, we discuss some helpful tips to prepare for your augmentation if you’ve decided it’s the path forward. 

Submit to Pre-Augmentation Testing

First, talk to your doctor about the upcoming expectations. Use the initial consultation as a time to talk about any testing she requires. If you haven’t chosen yet, here’s a guide for finding the right one.

Many surgeons require things like blood work, mammograms, and stress testing to ensure that their patients are healthy enough for breast augmentation surgery. Ultimately, this will prevent unforeseen health issues during the surgery and post-recovery. 

Get Your Medication Regimen In Order

Taking any regular medications? Take time before your surgery to discuss each one by name.

Medications designed to treat certain issues can have detrimental effects during the operation. Your doctor may have you cease taking them altogether or adjust the amount you take to better prepare you for the breast augmentation procedure. 

Cease Use of Recreational Drugs

The use of recreational drugs, like cigarettes and alcohol, need to be stopped if you’re to the point of running those “breast augmentation near me” searches.

Presumably, you’re ready to move forward at this stage. These drugs, while legal in most countries, can lead to severe consequences during the operation. That’s because they are natural inflammatories that weaken the body before what is an invasive procedure. 

Steer Clear of Drugs and Food That Leads to Inflammation

As you think about this form of cosmetic surgery, keep in mind that certain over-the-counter medications and foods can produce the same effect as recreational drugs. That is, they weaken the body.

Drugs like ibuprofen and aspirin are anti-inflammatories, which can produce heavier bleeding and place you at a greater risk of complications. Meanwhile, the added sugars you’ll find in many common foods can have the opposite effect (inflammation), but the same basic result (increased risk).

Focus On Recovery

Not thinking as much about the aftermath when you plan your appointment? It’s actually a great time to start.

You can go home not long after a breast augmentation, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be leaving the lingering effects of the incision behind. Make arrangements for time off or for light duty at work, depending on what your job is and what your cosmetic surgeon recommends. 

Avoid heavy lifting in the weeks following your operation. Also, continue to avoid inflammatory foods and drugs as you recover. 

Breast Augmentation Can Be the Boost of Confidence You Need

Getting a breast augmentation can be just the thing to restore your confidence and self-esteem. That’s true whether it is in response to medical treatment like a mastectomy or just because you want to correct perceived issues. 

Either way, Northern Beaches Cosmetic Surgery is here to help. Ready to schedule a consultation or simply wish to know more? Contact us today.