The average Australian woman spends more than $3600 each year on beauty products. That’s sure evidence of how much value every lady places on looking her best.

Unfortunately, most women don’t pay as much attention to their neck area as they do other areas of their bodies, such as their faces. But who wants a beautiful face without a smooth, young-looking face to match it?

The neck region is often the first place that starts to display aging lines, wrinkles and neck folds. That’s because the skin on your neck is comparatively thinner and has fewer oil glands than most other parts of your body.

But there’s good news. In this article, we’ll show you seven easy ways you can keep your aging neck looking smoother, firmer, and more beautiful. 

1. Massage Your Neck Correctly

How often do you massage your neck? You’ve probably heard that massaging the skin is one of the best ways to keep it looking soft and supple. 

But when it comes to neck and chest skin care, how you perform the massage determines whether or not you’re going to get the desired results. Pay close attention to the direction of the massage, because a good massage in the wrong direction can damage the skin.

So how should you do it? The right direction to massage your neck is by moving your palms from the lower region to the upper region. Only use vertical movements, and never move your palms from top to bottom.

Remember not to over massage your neck as this might strain the delicate skin. The right amount of time for a neck massage is 10-15 minutes with a two-minute break in between.

2. Apply Oils on Your Aging Neck

Applying oils on your neck and chest can help rejuvenate the skin in this region. But do not just go for any oils. Be extra careful when selecting the kind of oils to use.

So what oils should you go for? The best kinds are the ones that aren’t too heavy and come in their pure form. Coconut oil, for instance, is a good option, especially when used in little amounts or mixed with a little water on your palm.

Some other good options include sweet almond oil, olive oil, eucalyptus oil, chamomile, and rose oil.

3. Use Masks and Packs

You’ve used masks and packs to pamper your face before, but what you might not have known is that they can also work wonders for your skin. Fruit masks, in particular, are great for neck and chest skin care. 

So which fruits should you go for? Avocados, ripe bananas, apples, and plums are great options. Some of the masks and packs you can make at home and use include:

  • A mask of honey and egg white. Apply the mask on your neck using a brush for 10 to 12 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. This mask will remove fine lines and give you a fairer skin.
  • A pack of mashed ripe banana and olive oil. Apply the pack on your neck as you apply other packs on your face and wait for 15 minutes before washing it off with plain water. With time, any fine lines on your neck will disappear, leaving you with soft, glowing skin.
  • A pack of mashed pumpkin. Apply the pack on your neck for 20 minutes 4 times a week to prevent neck aging as pumpkin is widely known as an anti-aging vegetable. 

4. Spa Treatments Work Wonders

If you regularly get spa treatments, then getting one specifically for your neck is one of the best tips on how to keep neck looking young. Try to get such a treatment once in a while. Just make sure that you sit in the right position during the massage.

For what purpose are you taking the massage? If for getting rid of spondylosis pain or relaxation purposes, then opt for a sitting position. If, on the other hand, you’re taking smoothing treatment or spa polishing for the neck, then it’s best to lie flat during the treatment. 

5. Exfoliate Regularly

Another useful aging neck skin care tip is to exfoliate your neck regularly. But what kind of exfoliators should you use to avoid harming your neck’s delicate skin? 

Strictly go for mild exfoliators. One of the best scrubs for your neck is made of milk and ground almonds. Apply this scrub on your neck.

When exfoliating, only use upward strokes, beginning from the region near your shoulders, and limit the time to five minutes or less. Wash the scrub off while you bathe. If you exfoliate for two to four times every week, you can expect incredible results with time.

6. Maintain Good Posture

How many times have you heard before that bad posture is bad for your health? First of all, it’s a leading cause of many types of pain, including neck pain and lower back pain.

And now there’s another reason to shun bad posture: it can cause wrinkles on your neck. When you continuously bend, fine lines and wrinkles start to form on your neck. Such lines can be quite difficult to get rid of.

Sometimes, it’s your cell phone that’s to blame. How often do you hold it down in front of you when using it, bending your neck?  

7. Moisturize Your Neck

Just about every woman moisturizes their face, but many forget all about their necks. Just like your face, your neck needs proper moisturizing for the skin to stay soft and supple. 

You can use the same cream you use for your face when moisturizing your neck. Just make sure that you use a gentle upward motion when applying the moisturizer.

Take Action Today to Restore Your Youth

So, what methods have you been using to keep your neck gorgeous? You could consider a neck lift, but there are other simple ways to restore youth to your neck.

With the tips suggested here, you can say goodbye to the fine lines and superficial wrinkles on your aging neck. Ultimately, all your neck needs is some tender loving care to keep up with your beautiful face. 

Would you like more tips to keep looking great? Why not contact us today?